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No Outsiders - All different, All welcome

This term, we are delighted to be introducing the ‘No Outsiders’ initiative to Purley Primary School.

As children grow up, they can sometimes learn that difference is a barrier to friendship. Our aim by introducing No Outsiders is to remove that barrier so that our children see difference as a positive not a negative. As they move through Purley, we want our pupils to explore their differences so that they feel comfortable in their own skin. Children should know and feel proud to be who they are; to know that they are accepted without judgement.

At Purley we plan to achieve this by developing an ethos that is backed up by language and behaviour. All children will be taught, from Reception upwards, that we are all different and we like that, via a weekly class session and regular assemblies. The main teaching materials are picture books. In Hedgehog and Badger Class, we will use picture books where characters are different, and show that they are also friends and play together. By ensuring that there are characters who look different in the books, our children will see themselves reflected in those books “I am different too and that’s okay”.

In Owl and Falcon Class, we will explore reasons why some people might feel left out. After all, it is a fact that prejudice and discrimination exist, and children are going to experience it at some point. We are aiming to prepare them, give them confidence to disagree when they hear prejudice and show them that they are not alone.

We will give our children the language to challenge prejudice and show acceptance. Not only will they feel safe knowing they belong, they will also show others that they too are safe: “I will be your friend. You belong here. You don’t have to change; there are no outsiders in our school”.